Oman Plants

Oman Plants
Cheery blossoms from Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar in northern Oman

Feb 13, 2010

Sorry Google, I do not Buzz!

I am one of those who totally get excited about anything that gets the blogosphere attention!
One of them was the recently released Google Buzz, which some thought will be the end of Facebook and Twitter or at least it means something to them!!
On Wednesday the 10th when the news came out I clicked and clicked and then clicked some more to see the Buzz on my Gmail to no avail. Then I went to bed (Oman is 9 hours ahead of US EST) & I was sure I am going to get that treat first thing in the morning, which I did!!
So there I agree to give this new comer to my Gmail a try!

I then realized, it has chosen some of my most contacted friends & family to follow me! I am also supposed to follow them. My first instinct was to disable all and chose just one of my friends, who is also a big fan of Google products. We tried Wave and we use Google Docs when we collaborate on documents.
I did not actually realize the magnitude of the problem till the following morning when I read horror stories about how private contacts were revealed to the world!!

"In other words, after you create your profile in Buzz, if you don't edit any of the default settings, someone could visit your profile and see the people you email and chat with most (provided you didn't edit this list during profile creation)."

That has some serious consequences for all kinds of reasons. In the MENA region, where personal privacy is of utmost concern (that's why a lot of women veil & more than a few men usually live double lives!), this was not a good thing at all. Obviously anyone with any sort of relationship regardless how innocent it is, will be viewed with suspicion once it is revealed to the world. Hey, in some parts of our world, you could lose your head if found (even virtually) with a stranger so watch out!

Two days later an I am Buzzed out, and I think for good!

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