Oman Plants

Oman Plants
Cheery blossoms from Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar in northern Oman

Career Biography

Background Information:
 I completed my Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences in 1993 from the College of Agriculture (currently College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences) at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Oman. Following my graduation, I was appointed a ‘Demonstrator’ at the Department of Crop Sciences at SQU. In 1995, I obtained a scholarship to resume my M.Sc. studies in the Field of Pomology at Cornell University, New York, USA, with a minor in International Agriculture. In 1998, I obtained Masters of Science degree and returned to SQU to work as a ‘Lecturer’ at the Department of Crop Sciences. I was offered a scholarship to resume my postgraduate studies in 2000. I was enrolled in the Department of Horticultural Sciences at the University of Florida, Florida, USA, and resumed my doctorate candidacy to graduate with a PhD in Horticulture in 2004. I have just completed my 3-year term as the Assistant Dean for Training & Community Services. I am currently an ‘Associate Professor of Horticulture’ at the Department of Crop Sciences, College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences at SQU.

Current Research:
During my postgraduate studies, I worked on the effect of water stress and irrigation deficit on the physiological processes, water relations, growth and yield of deciduous and tropical fruit trees. My current research interest is to study the effects of biotic and abiotic stress factors on physiology, growth and productivity of horticultural crops with emphasis on heat, drought and salinity effects. In recent years, as a principle investigator I was been awarded two research projects, the first was entitled  ‘Physiological responses of date palm to various levels of water stress’ that was concluded in 2008. The second project was a Strategic Research Grant Project awarded in 2008 that’s entitled ‘Rejuvenating lime production in Oman: Resolving current challenges’. I am a Co-PI and co-investigator on several other projects including three Strategic Research Projects dealing with ‘Soil and water salinity’, ‘Post-harvest technology of fresh Omani produce’, and ‘Vegetable production in Oman’ among others.

I have ample experience in the following areas and I welcome consultancies:
  1. Sustainable fruit production in arid & semi-arid regions with particular focus on Date Palm, Banana, Citrus, Mango, Lime & Pomegranates
  2. Biosaline agriculture for vegetable field production, particularly tomatoes
  3. Biodiversity and conservation of edible wild fruit trees
  4. Traditional farming systems and related economic botany
  5. Innovation techniques in sustainable agriculture and crop production
  6. Sexual and vegetative propagation of various crops including tissue culture
  7. Ornamental and landscape plant management
If you have an interest in my consultancies, please contact me:
Rashid Al-Yahyai, PhD